Saturday, April 7, 2012


Just got back from a delightful trip to Temora in NSW, where I attended Natfly, the annual get together of the ultralight federation. It was 580 kms up on Friday, followed by 580kms back on Saturday, and in between a few quality hours of gawping at planes. Christopher Hitchens accompanied me on CD, and it occurred to me again that his protestation of atheism seems constantly contradicted by the obvious fact that he writes like an angel, no matter what the subject, from Middle Eastern politics to blow jobs.
I met Tony Henty there, who informed me that numbers were well down from last year, but I thought the turnout was still very impressive. I took some time to admire the Jabiru J230 which he had just purchased. The rows of manufacturers outlets gave one ample opportunity for dreaming. My only criticism was that I saw only a couple of Sapphires, one Lightwing, one Xair, and a Bantam and Thruster on display as historic aircraft. In short very few of the sorts of aircraft that interest me, and lots of high performace plastic imports which don't. I also visited the Temora Aviation Museum, and looked at the glorious aircraft on display there. My favourite military aircraft, the Canberra was there as well as a Spitfire, a Hudson, and many others. This museum must be unique in that all the aircraft are airworthy, and regularly fly at airshows.